Journey Mapping Case Study


Problem Statement

Clients have many touch points with major banks from in branch, on the phone, in app and on the web. I wanted to investigate and document all of the steps involved for an existing client of RBC to transition over to a Direct Investing account. This work has identified many paint points and user frustrations, allowing the bank to develop a strategy and plan to address the issues going forward.

Overview: Opening a new DI (Direct Investing) account and going through the many steps myself was the best way to gain a better understanding of the concerns that many clients have.

Asset 9.png

My Role: Interaction Designer

The goals for my journey mapping process were as follows:

  • Uncover all pain points within DI platform

  • Rank and prioritize pain points and customer that it impacts

  • Setup roadmap to create projects addressing key pain points

Tools: Figma, Miro, Illustrator
Duration: 5 months

UX Techniques Used: Competitive Analysis, User interviews, User Personas, Site Map, User Flows, Wire framing, Double Diamond analysis, Persona creation and SWOT analysis

Challenge: RBC Direct Investing has experienced a massive surge in new account opens in 2020 and 2021 in large part due to the global pandemic. That explosion of new accounts has magnified some of the pain points seen in various steps of the account open, onboarding, transacting and maintenance process. By identifying the areas of concern and pain, we also showcase the areas for opportunity and improvement.

The primary business goals

• Increase Account open conversions
• Increase LTR score
• Expand our prospect funnel
• Net new clients


Multiple workshops, feature lists, pain points summary, persona journey maps, analytics review, client data. The net results of this exercise will be a project roadmap for 2021 and beyond.

The Process


  • Documentation of the existing flows and processes - from multiple channels

  • Interview employees to identify any similarities or patterns of behaviour/experience

  • Identify and rank pain points

  • Include multiple journey maps based on persona types

  • Review user data research and analytics

  • Double diamond exercise - diverge and converge analysis

  • Problem - Pain - Values - Ideas - Potential Solution

  • Categorized features vs User type vs Likely results of feature implementation

Documentation of existing

My first step in establishing an empathetic view point was to consider the world we live in and the information overload we all experience daily. There is information available at our fingertips, on our phone, computers, tablets, smart home assistants and more. We have devices everywhere from our home mini, office assistant, AR/VR, many phone handsets and methods to access information.

With this caveat in place, it framed the experience that I wanted to document and showcase to the senior level management and leadership teams.

User interviews to identify common pain points and pattern identification


Onboarding journey based on persona type


Double diamond exercise

Having created the user journeys based on existing personas - I grouped the pain points by department and connected the dots that align with business values. I kept the key value concepts at the middle of the double diamond tool, and connected the suggested features list to the right side. The angle on this exercise was to showcase the pain point and the value it impacted - and the suggested feature and which value it would address.

Categorized Features vs User Types vs Likely result of feature implementation

The problem became increasingly clear that there were many capabilities and features desired by the user (as shown by the research). The challenge was then to identify which features were high priority and which were low priority. This exercise also identified the need for more design thinking and research around our customer base, and what the business stakeholders view as important.

The recurring question emerged: Would changing feature x,y,z be relevant to user A, B and C and would it have the potential to decrease attrition, increase LTR score or increase user delight thereby improving customer satisfaction score?

Solution and takeaway

By uncovering the nuances and issues on all channels and customer touchpoints, we can better understand and service our client needs.

By identifying the customer needs and concerns, we can triage and address them accordingly while designing new delightful experiences which will in turn, drive all of the key business objectives in a positive direction.